Blessed be, dumdums! We’re back again with another load of horror goodness for your ear…cavities. It should come as no surprise to anyone that I am a huge fan of the films of Lucio Fulci. Likewise, it should come as no surprise that neither Jorge, nor Rhett had seen a Fulci film. This fact makes me a sad panda.
The time to rejoice is upon us, ye lil nerds! We’re remedying this grave injustice by showing the guys The Beyond. I know The Beyond may not be the best movie to introduce folks to Fulci, but damnit, if you’re gonna do it, do it right! (Review at 32:39)
Did Jorge and Rhett enjoy the movie? Did they hate it like they hate everything else? Some of you are still out of work and have all the time in the world, while the rest are going back to work and now have a commute again. Point is, you have nothing but time and no reason NOT to listen!
Tune in next week as we’re joined by WWE Superstar Baron Corbin to discuss 2020’s Mutant Blast.

Shit fire and save the matches, Johnny! It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 261!
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