Alright, listen up, you primative screw-heads! We’ve heard you! You want us to cover something fun. You want us to talk about something you’ve heard of. And you want us to review a movie you can actually find. Jesus, you’re demanding. Well, fret not, nerds for we’re nothing if not men of the people.
This week we’re going all the way back to 1992, before a lot of you were even born realistically. That’s right! This week we’re fighting deadites in the medieval age with Army of Darkness! Knowing this movie came out 30 years ago makes me feel old as fuck. However, with the release of Evil Dead Rise and Evil Dead: The Game on the horizon, we figured it was high time we discuss a film with alloys, and compositions, and things with molecular structures.
And that’s NOT just what we call “pillow talk”, baby.
Artwork was once again done by the incredible Cal Gee. Go follow him on instagram. Also follow Matt on Twitch: @MattyDingDong

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