It’s time we here at WGT tackled another King Pick. This time Lord Hans has decreed we watch and discuss the 2014 horror/comedy Giallo spoof, THE EDITOR. The film is courtesy of those wacky and wild haomies from the North (meaning Canada), Astron-6.

“Don’t even try to move my clear, you’re completely paralyzed. You might remember my friend, the Brazilian Wandering spider. He’s very aggressive, highly poisonous. Not even your handsome boyfriend, Arturo, can save you now.” It’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 417!

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Thanks for listening and a huge thanks as always to @calgee for his original art. Go give him a follow on Instagram.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. You can also find us on Instagram

Who Goes There Podcast ep 32 Bay of Blood/Twitch of the Death Nerve w/ Chris Woods of The Sleaze Box

846-Bay-of-BloodI find it rather strange that until today, we’ve only done one slasher flick on our podcast (Maniac). Not only are slashers my favorite type of horror movie; they’re jam packed with gruesome, innovative deaths, high body counts, and more boobs than you could shake…well…a bunch of boobs at!

In this episode we’re joined by Chris Woods of The Sleaze Box, to take a look at what is arguably the godfather of the slasher genre as we know it, Mario Bava’s 1971 classic Twitch of the Death Nerve, better known as Bay of Blood! It’s got it all, cheesy dialouge, jiggly boo boos, stupid teenagers, brutal deaths, and buckets of blood! So grab your water wings, because down here, we all float. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 32!

While you’re being awesome and listening to this check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and subscribe to our show on iTunes.

Deep Sleep Trailer Is Full og Giallo Goodness

deep-sleepBlack gloves, sharp objects, and mysterious goings-on… these three things are what 70s Italian giallo films were all about, and filmmaker Luciano Onetti pays homage to the sub-genre with Deep Sleep (aka Sonno Profondo), which is set for a premiere at this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

If you love films like Deep Red, and Torso, continue reading to see the trailer! Continue reading