Avast, ye scurvy dogs! We’re setting sail on the high seas for the adventure of a lifetime. This week we’ve got fiery redheads, tentacles, Irish accents, killer sperm, and all the sailor superstitions that you can shake your rotting oar at. This week we’ll be discussing the new sea fairing indie horror darling Sea Fever. (Review at 33:55)
In addition to our usual brand of fuckery, we try to free Sophia from Rhett’s cinematic… “conditioning”, we talk about life in lockdown, the movies we’ve seen etc. Look, you know how this works right now. We talk about movies, you listen. I only fill in all of this nonsense because if it’s under 300 words the algorithm has a tissy fit. Look, Stephen King personally tweeted that this movie was an excellent quarantine watch. We all know how hyperbolic that goof can be, so here we are. The only trusted name in horror. 😉

If I weren’t about to shit in my pants right now, I’d be fuckin’ fascinated. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 259!
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