For this ep, we have a double feature review of A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE and MAXXXINE. Two third-parters in two trilogies, but only one of the two is a prequel, whereas in the other trilogy the prequel was the first sequel. A hunk of excellent content. Figure that shit out.

“Do you want a bit of free advice? Look around you. You’ve made it to the belly of the beast, congratulations, very few come this far. To stay here, you must make it your obsession. Eliminate all other distractions, because if you take your eye off that prize for even a moment, the beast will spit you right back out where you came from.”
It’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 420!

Join our Patreon if you enjoy the show! As a patreon member you get the episodes early, bonus content, access to our Discord, and exclusive merchandise. Most importantly, you get to help us continue doing the show.

Thanks for listening and a huge thanks as always to @calgee for his original art. Go give him a follow on Instagram.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. You can also find us on Instagram


Welcome back! This episode is a double feature review of two 2024 genre offerings: blasphemous horror prequel The First Omen, and indie creature feature Arcadian. The First Omen is currently available on Hulu for those who haven’t seen it. 

“Belief is power. How do you control people who no longer belove in your stories of fire and brimstone? You create something to fear. I’m sorry this is happening to you, my child. But nothing will change if you decide to leave. They will be coming for you.” It’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 413!

Join our Patreon if you enjoy the show! As a patreon member you get the episodes early, bonus content, access to our Discord, and exclusive merchandise. Most importantly, you get to help us continue doing the show.

Thanks for listening and a huge thanks as always to @calgee for his original art. Go give him a follow on Instagram.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. You can also find us on Instagram


There’s not too many genre mashup monster/comedy/adventure/horror films out there, and even less that are any good. What other cases can be made against 1990’s TREMORS? Well, it’s PG-13, so there’s that. It has Reba McEntire and the Dad from Family Ties.

But enough of all that, if you’re among those of us who helped turn it into a cult classic over the years after it’s abysmal initial theatrical run, you already know this is all a jest. How does it hold up though? Listen and find out. 

“So what if we make it to the rocks? We’ll be dead in three days anyway! This bastard ain’t smarter than us. I’m gonna go for it. I GOT A GODDAMN PLAAAAN!” It’s The Who Goes There Podcast Episode 393!

If you enjoy the show, consider joining our Patreon subscribers. For less than the cost of a beer, or whatever reasonably affordable means you use to temporarily alleviate or deny the pain of your own existence, you get early access to episodes, bonus content and exclusive merchandise. Most importantly, you get to help us continue doing the show.

Thanks for listening and to our Patreon for your ongoing support. Thanks as well to @calgee for his amazing original art. Go give him a follow on Instagram. The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You can also find us on Instagram