Ep 88: Black Mirror – Who Goes There Podcast

6jw6vl_dDespite the insane week we’ve had, the episode came out on time! While we were getting ready to record this episode, we got to meet our neighbor at the studio. This awesome gentlemen brought us to his distillery and got us trashed off of various liquors straight out of the barrel! Be forewarned, this episode is a little goofy.

We talk about the season premier of The Walking Dead, pig fucking, and the spawn of Kurt Russell. We’ve also got news on an exclusive line of Funko horror toys, our new partnership with Pizza Port Brewing, snowman rape, the origin of evil, and Jorge and Bones tell us how they don’t have fun on Halloween.

Oh, yeah….after weeks of suggesting, we finally listened to Jorge and watched the British, sci-fi anthology Black Mirror, so that’s what we’re talking about, Black Mirror. If you let her escape, or allow them to get to her before you do, I’ll make you wish you *could* die. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 88!


The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes right here. Not an iTunes user? You can listen on our Dread Central page. Can’t get enough of our terrible jokes? Why not creep on all of our social media? You’ll find us on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and YouTube.

Who Goes There Podcast episode 49.5 – Modern Classics 2

11935079_527289800758723_8314382127856046451_nThe episode so nice we had to do it twice! Here it is, part two of our Modern Classics episode, and you thought you were getting episode 50. Some of the time relevant stuff has passed as we recorded this episode a few weeks ago. Jorge’s baby is here and we didn’t miss an episode! So here’s another episode of us circle jerking movies we love, only completely sober! Episode 50 is coming, we promise. Today is thanksgiving day for cats. But only if they came back from the dead. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 49…again.

While you’re being awesome and listening to this check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and subscribe to our show on iTunes.

Who Goes There Podcast Episode 49 – Modern Classics

il_570xN.664587577_ndyxWelcome to phone in Friday, on a Tuesday! Jorge is expecting lizard baby number two any second, and has been for a while now. Since you guys can’t live without us (and who can blame you) we decided to record a couple of episodes in advance rather than take a hiatus, yaaaaaaaaay! Hey, you get what you pay for.

We had our buddy WWE wrestler Shamus over, (real name Joe) to discuss what we consider modern classics, movies made in the last 15 years that will probably stand the test of time. 10:30am, no booze, no drugs, no holds barred! If you thought we got silly as fuck before, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. For those of you who say we hate everything, here’s a bunch of stuff we only kinda hate, jerks. Where we’re going, we won’t need eyes to see. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 49!

While you’re being awesome and listening to this check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and subscribe to our show on iTunes.