At some point we’ve all heard someone say only two things in life are guaranteed: death, and taxes. Well, dorks, I’m here to inform you of a third certainty. It is a damn near certainty that as you get older the things you loved as a child will be dug up and repackaged for a younger audience. He-man, Big Trouble in Little China, Pogs, rollerblades, all of these things that I would obsess over as a ten year old, are now being released 25+ years later. For this reason it should come as no surprise that the Hollywood greed machine has come for Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark. (Review starts at 26:56)
Perhaps listening to three entitled assholes talking about a film adaptation of a book anthology from 30 years ago isn’t your thing. It’s also quite possible that you happen to love the sultry sound of our voices. If you find yourself experiencing both of these feels fear not, for there is more in store! Matt updates everyone on Alia’s condition following her motorcycle accident and surgery, Rhett discusses the existential dread he experiences daily, Jorge talks about how much he loves guns, and we all run down the movies we’ve seen lately. Huzzah!

Stoning people who piss you off is perfectly okay. They do it in the Bible, don’t they? And I got lots of peas! I’ve also got the Who Goes There Podcast episode 225!
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