Six Demon Gab: Episode 3 – Douglas Pipes

Alright, jerks! Get those hungry ear holes ready cause Six Demon Gab is back! It’s been a while, so in case you’ve forgotten, Six Demon Gab is an interview driven part of theWho Goes There Podcast.

Chris was lucky enough to sit down and chat with the composer of Trick r’ Treat, Krampus, Monster House, and the new Netflix horror comedy The Babysitter!

Was Doug the nicest guy ever? Does Chris nerd out in a major way? Could you have listened to this interview weeks ago if you were a Patreon subscriber? The answer to all of these questions is AAADOOOOOYYYYY!!!

If you like what you hear, please consider joining our Patreon subscribers. For less than the cost of a beer, you get bonus content, exclusive merchandise, special giveaways, and you get to help us continue doing what we love.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes right here. Not an iTunes user? You can listen on our Dread Central page. Can’t get enough? We also do that social media shit. You’ll find us on FacebookTwitterInstagramTwitch, and YouTube.

Six Demon Gab – Scarecrowoven Interview

scoWelcome to Six Demon Gab episode 4! This is the interview offshoot for Who Goes There Podcast. This interview was done a little while ago, but due to life getting crazy and a LOT of editing needed due to dropped calls, we’re proud to finally present to you, Chris’ interview with the amazing artist Scarecrowoven. In case you didn’t know he did the artwork for the new Belletbelt record! Check out this killer interview and Who Goes There Podcast episode 51 Deathgasm!


While you’re being awesome and listening to this check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and subscribe to our show on iTunes.

Who Goes There Podcast – Six Demon Gab Episode 3 Gigi Saul Guerrero – El Gigante

el-giganteHow stoked are you that we’re giving YOU gifts for our 50th episode?! We’re pleased to bring you episode 3 of Six Demon Gab, our interview side show, featuring the beautiful, talented and severely disturbed Gigi Saul Guerrero, director of El Gigante. We’d been waiting to see this for quite a while and got our chance at the Horrible Imaginings Film Fest. We were not disappointed at all! Listen in and get all the juicy news on the El Gigante feature full length, coming soon!

Who Goes There Podcast – Six Demon Gab Episode 2 Clown Town

clowntown-largeWelcome to episode 2 of Six Demon Gab, our interview side show! We were lucky enough to go to the Horrible Imaginings Film Fest recently and saw a ton of incredible films, one of which was Clowntown! We got to sit down with writer Cody Goodfellow, director Andrew Kasch and star Graham Denman for a zany, wild interview! These aren’t your average clowns, check out the interview, Clown Town and Tales of Halloween, and all the other awesome projects they have coming up!

Six Demon Gab Premier – Pine Box Boys Interview

maxresdefaultHowdy kids, welcome to the first installment of Six Demon Gab! We get a lot of interview opportunities and never really knew what to do with them, and some end up being too long to be included in a regular episode of the Who Goes There Podcast, so we’ve created Six Demon Gab.

We’ll still have our regular show every two weeks, but now if we get a chance to talk to someone outside the show we’ll be able to bring you more awesome horror content! For our first installment, Chris had to clean his shorts (as he often does) as he sat down and talked with one of his favorite bands, stabbing enthusiasts The Pine Box Boys! We’d love to know what you think of the new addition to Who Goes There?

While you’re being awesome and listening to this check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and subscribe to our show on iTunes.