Well well well, here we go again. This episode we review Art the Clown’s third outing, and this one is set during Christmas! Yes dorks, we know technically it’s Art’s 4th cinematic appearance if you count All Hallows’ Eve.

Get ready for more of the sophisticated, smartly written, unbearable suspense which has made this franchise famous! SIKE
But seriously get ready for a straight ahead slasher with no added filler! Oh wait, never mind this one is 125 minutes, maybe a third of which is what you watch a movie like this for.
For real though, get ready for a thoughtful and well-acted character study with a lot on its mind that totally justifies its runtime…okay we’ll stop.

“Jingle bells, jingle bells. This place fuckin’ smells..” (actual dialogue from the movie)
It’s The Who Goes There Podcast Episode 428!

Join our Patreon to support the show and help us keep doing it! As a patreon member you get the episodes early, bonus content, and access to our Discord.

Thanks for listening and a huge thanks as always to @calgee for his original art. Go check out his work and give him a follow on Instagram.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. You can also find us on Instagram


We have missed you. Got a bunch coming your way in the next couple weeks. This episode we get into the buzzy indie “ambient slasher”, In A Violent Nature. The movie has provoked a lot of discussion and mixed reactions within the horror community, but what did we think?

“They never found his body, but they say his spirit lives in the forest. This forest. A maniac, a thing no longer human. Every year he kills. Right now he’s out there. Watching. Waiting. So don’t look; he’ll see you. Don’t breathe; he’ll hear you. Don’t move; you’re dead!”
It’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 418! 

Join our Patreon if you enjoy the show! As a patreon member you get the episodes early, bonus content, access to our Discord, and exclusive merchandise. Most importantly, you get to help us continue doing the show.

Thanks for listening and a huge thanks as always to @calgee for his original art. Go give him a follow on Instagram.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. You can also find us on Instagram


This week WGT revisits 1991’s THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS. For our much appreciated Patreon subscribers, its a double dose of Wes Craven as they also get an exclusive episode of the bonkers 1989 slasher, SHOCKER. You can become a WGT Patreon member at www.patreon.com/whogoestherepodcast, or click the hyperlink further down the page.

The People Under the Stairs was previously discussed in the show’s first year by Jorge and former cohosts/co-founders Matt and Chris wayyyyyy back in 2014. This marks the first time WGT has revisited the same film in it’s 10 year history. This is also Jacob’s first watch of the film, which is insane.

“Every generation more insane than the one before it. They got their fingers into real estate, started making a lot of money taking over people’s homes. The more money they got, the greedier they got. The greedier they got, the crazier they got. All sorts of rumors about what’s going on in that place. Never proved it because the police never took it serious. But believe me, when I was a kid, none of us ever walked past that house.” It’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 416!!!

“Every generation more insane than the one before it. They got their fingers into real estate, started making a lot of money taking over people’s homes. The more money they got, the greedier they got. The greedier they got, the crazier they got. All sorts of rumors about what’s going on in that place. Never proved it because the police never took it serious. But believe me, when I was a kid, none of us ever walked past that house.” It’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 416!!!

Join our Patreon if you enjoy the show! As a patreon member you get the episodes early, bonus content, access to our Discord, and exclusive merchandise. Most importantly, you get to help us continue doing the show.

Thanks for listening and a huge thanks as always to @calgee for his original art. Go give him a follow on Instagram.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. You can also find us on Instagram


Happy New Year pilgrims! Welcome back and welcome to 2024. This episode (our last recorded in 2023) we discuss Eli Roth’s holiday-themed slasher, THANKSGIVING.  
Is the movie a new annual tradition or is it just another seasonal annoyance? Listen and find out. 

“Show some enthusiasm. Thanksgiving is an institution here. It’s Thanks-fucking-giving! Every weapon he’s using is straight off a Thanksgiving table. This year, there will be… no leftovers!” It’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 402!

As always, if you enjoy the show, please consider joining our Patreon subscribers. That means for less than the cost of a beer, or whatever reasonably affordable means you use to temporarily alleviate or deny the pain of living, you get bonus content and exclusive merchandise. We’re also planning on reworking our Patreon tiers and such as we get going again. Most importantly, you get to help us continue doing the show.

Sincere thanks once again to all of you listeners and Patreon for your ongoing support. Thanks as always as well to @calgee for his amazing original art. Go give him a follow on Instagram. 

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. You can also find us on Instagram although we’re basically just lurking our ass off most of the time.

Episode 74 -The Funhouse Massacre – Who Goes There Podcast

FHM_Tumblr_AMCPromo_1500x788We know a lot of our listeners hate clowns and got a little uncomfortable with our last episode. So as a way of saying “get over it, you pussies” we did another clown movie! What happens when a bunch of the world’s most dangerous killers, all housed in the same facility, break out and run amok at carnival? Well, they make a movie about it and 3 idiots get together and tell stupid jokes while discussing the movie. You should know that by now. You stupid, podcast listening, idiot, morons. Aunt Maggie was a bitch and got what she deserved. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 74.

While you’re being awesome and listening to this check us out on FacebookTwitter, and subscribe to our show on iTunes.

Did Jason Voorhees Just Kill Last Year?

LastYear_F13-620x400Jason Voorhees won’t be returning from his decades long vacation from video games for another nine months and he’s already claimed his first victim. Last week, the Kickstarter page for the indie slasher game Last Year was taken down and replaced with a claim of a copyright violation submitted by the rights holders of the Friday the 13th film franchise.

We’ve mentioned Last Year on a couple of our shows, and have been really excited since hearing about it, we even made the comparison between the two games. Continue reading

Not The First Rodeo For The Final Girls

ginnyEvery movie has a “final girl”, the one heroine who survives the slasher and goes on to tell the tale. (how else would we get a sequel?) Of course we all know some time down the road, the killer will come looking for you again. Here’s a trailer for Final Girls, shot in Chicago back in 2013.

The filmmakers will test the film with an audience at the Kansas City’s Panic Film Festival. The director of the film, Matt Storc, and two of the stars, Ashley Nickell and Emily Rochester, will be in attendance for a Q&A after the film. Continue reading

Who Goes There Podcast ep 32 Bay of Blood/Twitch of the Death Nerve w/ Chris Woods of The Sleaze Box

846-Bay-of-BloodI find it rather strange that until today, we’ve only done one slasher flick on our podcast (Maniac). Not only are slashers my favorite type of horror movie; they’re jam packed with gruesome, innovative deaths, high body counts, and more boobs than you could shake…well…a bunch of boobs at!

In this episode we’re joined by Chris Woods of The Sleaze Box, to take a look at what is arguably the godfather of the slasher genre as we know it, Mario Bava’s 1971 classic Twitch of the Death Nerve, better known as Bay of Blood! It’s got it all, cheesy dialouge, jiggly boo boos, stupid teenagers, brutal deaths, and buckets of blood! So grab your water wings, because down here, we all float. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 32!

While you’re being awesome and listening to this check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and subscribe to our show on iTunes.

Town That Dreaded Sundown Remake To Be “Hardcore R” Premier on Epix on Halloween

The-Town-that-Dreaded-SundownAt this past weekend’s New York Comic-Con, Fangoria caught up with film, TV and comics scribe Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, who promised that the Town That Dreaded Sundown remake he penned and that hits theaters this week has not toned things down.

“People who’ve seen it have said that it’s even more violent and disturbing than the original,” Aguirre-Sacasa (a former Fango intern) tells us. “It’s pretty hardcore; it’s a serious slasher movie.” Continue reading