The Evil Within is a game that has had me personally excited since it was announced last year. It’s got everything we love to see on this site. Gore, Thrills, Horror, and more GORE! Sadly, we weren’t able to attend E3 to play this game, but there were definitely a lot of people praising this game’s demo for being about to scare the intestines out of them.
Evil Within is a survival horror game being developed by famed Bethesda Softworks, which has a track record of amazing games! The game looks as beautiful and eerie as when Dead Space was first released, but has the feel and monsters that seem Silent Hill-esque. One thing is for sure, you’re going to die many, many, many gruesome and horrible deaths, and be scared out of your mind!
Bethesda posted a video on their youtube page recording the reactions of some of the people they have let play this game. And instead of posting a video of the game, we’re going to show you that and let you decide if you’re intrigued enough to go and check out some of the trailers and gameplay footage there is out there.
The Evil Withing drops on Windows, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One this October, just in time for Halloween!
The Evil Within is a game that has had me personally excited since it was announced last year. It’s got everything we love to see on this site. Gore, Thrills, Horror, and more GORE! Sadly, we weren’t able to attend E3 to play this game, but there were definitely a lot of people praising this game’s demo for being about to scare the intestines out of them.