Ep269: From Beyond – WGT

Greeting from space, Earth dorks! Pack your freeze-dried Thanksgiving dinner, kiss the kids goodbye, we’re going to space! (Spoiler: we’ll be in space next week too!)

Our resident android Rhett has been suggesting 1986’s From Beyond for a long time. However, after the debacle that was Dead Ringers we’ve since been hesitant to trust a Rhett pick. Ultimately, we realized he is only artificial intelligence and we should not punish him so severely. Realistically, Jesse from Say You Love Satan recommended it and we actually listen to him. (Review at 27:57)

We just want to say that we appreciate all of your continued support during this pandemic. We can say with all honesty: this show would probably not exist without your love and admiration. Thank you, sincerely. That last part was only meant for our Patreon. The rest of you, we hope you get space madness!

Hold it! We think we know where these things come from, but we have no idea how many there are. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 269!

If you enjoy the show, please consider joining our Patreon subscribers. That means for less than the cost of a beer, you get bonus content, exclusive merchandise, and special giveaways! Most importantly, you get to help us continue doing what we love.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. Not an iTunes user? You can listen on our Dread Central page. Can’t get enough? We also do that social media shit. You’ll find us on FacebookTwitterInstagramTwitch, and YouTube.

Ep247: Color Out Of Space

Hey, everyone, Chris is back! Huzzah! We have missed our dear friend and former cohost so much, we knew that we had to make this episode a special one. Seeing as how Chris wasn’t able to join in on the last few crazy ass Nick Cage movies, we opted to do Color Out of Space. (Review starts at 51:15)

For real, this episode is the jam! We all had an absolute blast recording it. Not only is Chris doing impressions again, but Nick Cage also screams about alpacas while doing a Trump accent. I don’t know what else to tell you except that this is the most fun I’ve had on the show in a while. So spark up a doobie, grab your golden lady and get ready for a wild fuckin ride!

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Lawnmower Man is in your head now, Jake. There is no escape, ever. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 247!

If you enjoy the show, please consider joining our Patreon subscribers. That means for less than the cost of a beer, you get bonus content, exclusive merchandise, and special giveaways! Most importantly, you get to help us continue doing what we love.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. Not an iTunes user? You can listen on our Dread Central page. Can’t get enough? We also do that social media shit. You’ll find us on FacebookTwitterInstagramTwitch, and YouTube.