Awww shit, here we go again. This episode we review all five episodes of Black Mirror, Season 6. While Season 4 had it’s high points, most notably an episode entitled USS Callister starring Meth Damon (Jessie Plemons), I think most will agree Season 5 was easily the worst of the series. So, we had high hopes that series creator Charlie Brooker had taken his time and bounced back with a new season to bring us more of the existential dread and dark, dizzying forays into the implications of technology and consciousness we’ve come to expect from the series since it debuted back in 2011. Is this the case? Listen to the episode and find out! 

“So, what happens when we die? We drop into Limbo. Are you serious? Limbo Unconstructed dream space. Well, what the hell is down there? Just raw, infinite subconscious. Nothing is down there!” It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 388!

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Sincere thanks once again to all of you listeners and Patreon for your ongoing support. Thanks as always as well to @calgee for his amazing original art. Go give him a follow on Instagram. 

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You can also find us on Instagram

Ep216: Black Mirror Season 5 – WGT

It’s an undeniable fact that technology has infiltrated every single aspect of our lives. In a day and age where our refrigerators and dishwashers have wifi it’s virtually impossible to escape the cold, metallic clutches of technology. For this reason, Netflix’s Black Mirror has become one of the most creative and original franchises in quite some time.

Now, we find ourselves staring down the release of the highly anticipated fifth season of the tumultuous technological terror. We’re going to exploring the bits and bytes of the three new episodes. (Review starts at 35:33) As always we run down the latest in horror news and give our opinions on a handful of films including: Bloody Bloody Bible Camp, The Odds, and Some Guy Who Kills People.

Black Mirror

There’s a bunch of kids over there in the cemetery… I know what they’re doing in there. It’s that damn Who Goes There Podcast episode 216!

If you enjoy the show, please consider joining our Patreon subscribers. For less than the cost of a beer, you get bonus content, exclusive merchandise, and special giveaways! Most importantly, you get to help us continue doing what we love.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. Not an iTunes user? You can listen on our Dread Central page. Can’t get enough? We also do that social media shit. You’ll find us on FacebookTwitterInstagramTwitch, and YouTube.

Ep 88: Black Mirror – Who Goes There Podcast

6jw6vl_dDespite the insane week we’ve had, the episode came out on time! While we were getting ready to record this episode, we got to meet our neighbor at the studio. This awesome gentlemen brought us to his distillery and got us trashed off of various liquors straight out of the barrel! Be forewarned, this episode is a little goofy.

We talk about the season premier of The Walking Dead, pig fucking, and the spawn of Kurt Russell. We’ve also got news on an exclusive line of Funko horror toys, our new partnership with Pizza Port Brewing, snowman rape, the origin of evil, and Jorge and Bones tell us how they don’t have fun on Halloween.

Oh, yeah….after weeks of suggesting, we finally listened to Jorge and watched the British, sci-fi anthology Black Mirror, so that’s what we’re talking about, Black Mirror. If you let her escape, or allow them to get to her before you do, I’ll make you wish you *could* die. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 88!


The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes right here. Not an iTunes user? You can listen on our Dread Central page. Can’t get enough of our terrible jokes? Why not creep on all of our social media? You’ll find us on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and YouTube.