Did Jason Voorhees Just Kill Last Year?

LastYear_F13-620x400Jason Voorhees won’t be returning from his decades long vacation from video games for another nine months and he’s already claimed his first victim. Last week, the Kickstarter page for the indie slasher game Last Year was taken down and replaced with a claim of a copyright violation submitted by the rights holders of the Friday the 13th film franchise.

We’ve mentioned Last Year on a couple of our shows, and have been really excited since hearing about it, we even made the comparison between the two games. Continue reading

Help Fund Dario Argento’s New Film The Sandman

thesandmanbanner-620x400In a final push to complete financing on IndieGoGo, the producers behind Dario Argento’s The Sandman (starring Iggy Pop) have released a detailed synopsis.

“The Sandman tells the story of Nathan, a young student in the city who struggles to forget his childhood trauma at the hands of the serial killer dubbed “The Sandman”. Nathan killed The Sandman (Iggy Pop) years ago, on Christmas Eve, after he witnessed the murder of his mother…until he sees the beautiful woman who lives in the apartment across the way dying at the hands of that same masked killer. Continue reading

Help Crowd Source Rob Zombie’s “31”

RobZombie31Musician-turned-director Rob Zombie has official announced his Halloween-themed horror 31, which turns out to be a crowd-sourced effort. I’d pay him $1000 to NOT put his wife in this movie.

The film revolves around five people kidnapped in the days leading up to Halloween.

As with all crowd-sourced projects, there are different tiers that land backers different rewards, such as an autographed movie poster, autographed DVD, thanks in the credits, lifetime access to every Rob Zombie show, and more. Continue reading