Amazing Minimalist Horror Movie Posters

The-Shining-730x1128Artist Tommy St. James has created 10 minimalist posters that promote horror films using iconic props contained within. No words, no titles, no catchphrases, just images. The end result are fantastic posters that demand you take a second to think, recalling the film and the scene from which the props are taken. It’s a great way to pay homage to the films without giving away the answer right away.

St. James tells me that the posters were created using, “…a mix of photography, illustration, and digital media.” Continue reading for a gallery of these 10 incredible posters and see if you can figure them all out!

Head on over to Halloween Costumes to download large .PDF versions that you can actually print for yourself. Also, make sure to show your support for St. James by following him on Twitter.