Well well well, here we go again. This episode we review Art the Clown’s third outing, and this one is set during Christmas! Yes dorks, we know technically it’s Art’s 4th cinematic appearance if you count All Hallows’ Eve.

Get ready for more of the sophisticated, smartly written, unbearable suspense which has made this franchise famous! SIKE
But seriously get ready for a straight ahead slasher with no added filler! Oh wait, never mind this one is 125 minutes, maybe a third of which is what you watch a movie like this for.
For real though, get ready for a thoughtful and well-acted character study with a lot on its mind that totally justifies its runtime…okay we’ll stop.

“Jingle bells, jingle bells. This place fuckin’ smells..” (actual dialogue from the movie)
It’s The Who Goes There Podcast Episode 428!

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Thanks for listening and a huge thanks as always to @calgee for his original art. Go check out his work and give him a follow on Instagram.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes and Spotify. You can also find us on Instagram

Ep 145: Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale – WGT

Ho ho ho, haomies! Christmas is finally upon us, and what do you know; we’re doing another Christmas horror film! Back in the winter of 2013 we recorded an episode on 2010’s Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale. In true Who Goes There fashion we got way too drunk and the episode was scrapped. Fast forward to the present and we’re trying it all over again!

We know you’ve been agonizing over when you can get your latest WGT fix. Truth be told, we wanted to swoop in and save Christmas once the high of opening presents was gone.

Why isn’t anybody doing anything to get me out of here? It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 145!

If you like what you hear, please consider joining our Patreon subscribers. For less than the cost of a beer, you get bonus content, exclusive merchandise, special giveaways, and you get to help us continue doing what we love.

The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes right here. Not an iTunes user? You can listen on our Dread Central page. Can’t get enough? We also do that social media shit. You’ll find us on FacebookTwitterInstagramTwitch, and YouTube.

Human Centipede Christmas Sweater, It’s the Shit!

hc3xmasfrontLooking for a shitty christmas gift, for those people on your holiday gift list, that you don’t really like? Maybe you’d rather eat shit than another damn fruitcake? Show your Christmas spirit with this awesome, limited edition Human Centipede Christmas sweater?! Click the image to see it in all of it’s full-of-crap glory! Oh, and buy it here.

Kevin Smith Brings Krampus Back To Christmas

krampusRemember when Kevin Smith said something to the effect of “I’m going to make Clerks 3, then retire”? Apparently that’s coming after a few directorial detours.

Looks like Smith is will be making a third horror film, Anti-Claus. He just wrapped up Tusk and is recycling a good part of the cast (Justin Long, Haley Joel Osment, Genesis Rodriguez and Michael Parks) for his Christmas Krampus contribution. Continue reading